Hey everyone, this is Adam with ParaCore. Today I’m gonna talk to you about a traffic campaign. There are a variety of different strategies in pay-per-click marketing, depending on what type of business you have. And one of the most important and impactful strategies in campaigns that we run, are traffic campaigns. Traffic campaigns are different than brand awareness campaigns that are just creating brand awareness. The purpose of a traffic campaign is to generate traffic, obviously, to the website, so that we can then put those people and pixel them into our digital marketing network.
So, if you’ve ever seen an ad or a post by ParaCore and you click that, and you go to the ParaCore website, then you’ll be pixeled by a variety of different marketing platforms and wherever you go, you’re gonna start seeing our ads. You’ll start seeing our ads in LinkedIn, on YouTube, on Facebook, maybe on Instagram. Basically, wherever you go you’re gonna start seeing ParaCore ads.
Here’s how it works. You have your website or landing page, which is the starting point for many of our whiteboard videos. So let’s just say we’re gonna do a landing page. Let’s just say you get a little bit of traffic on that landing page, maybe organically, who knows. Then we’re running Facebook ads. So, we have Facebook ads. Essentially, what we’re doing is we’re either running some piece of content, we’re running some promotion, or just some funny ad, or just something really interesting here, so that we can get people here. The idea is that we wanna get as much traffic for the lowest cost per click as possible out of Facebook. Now that means that we might go a little bit more broad with an audience. We might be using the audience network, which typically has very low cost per clicks, but kind of not the strongest conversion rate when you’re just doing a direct response conversion campaign. The idea is we’re gonna be working in Facebook to generate as much traffic as we can and getting that to your landing page. Once we’ve done that, maybe through a video, a promotion, an offer, a funny ad, whatever the case may be. Once we’ve done that, the visitor’s gonna come here and they’re gonna be pixeled from Google, formally known as Adwords, Google Ads. Facebook, let’s say LinkedIn. Facebook and Instagram are the same. So now, someone has hit this page and they’ve been tracked. They don’t know it right now, but you’ve seen it happen. You might be seeing it happening with this video right now. But, they’ve been tracked.
It’s similar to when you go to Amazon, then you go back to Facebook and you see what you were looking for. Or you go to Nordstrom, they do a great job of that as well. So now, the consumer’s device and also their profile in some respect, especially on Facebook, has been pixeled and they’re in the digital advertising network. So we’re driving as much traffic here as we can. The reason that we’re doing that is because maybe the thing that we’re selling, or the offer that we have, or the business that we’re representing on the marketing side has a big ask. They’re asking you to spend a lot of money. They’re asking you to change your job. Like in real estate, if you’re a broker and you’re trying to recruit new agents, you’re asking somoene to change their job. That’s a very big change for them. So, to see one ad go to a landing page and then expect them to convert is probably a little bit unrealistic. People don’t wanna do that. They don’t know you well enough to do that. If you have a large conversion or one that requires a lot of money, or a trust, or it’s just a very big action for someone, then this is the type of strategy that might work really well for you.
So we’re using Facebook as an example. We drive traffic here. As a side note, this could be anything. You can really amp up your SEO efforts and drive traffic to a page. That’s a free, but not really free, type of method to get traffic. You can get other websites to refer, through guest posting. So if you do a guest post, and then you drive traffic to your page. So this is traffic from anywhere on the page side. Typically Facebook is a really good way to get traffic at a low cost. Now, the consumer hits the landing page and they’re like, “Whoa, I’m not ready to convert on this. This is too much, too soon”. Then they leave. Then they go to check out their LinkedIn profile. Guess what? Now, you show an ad on Linkedin with your mug or your company logo, right? And they’re like, “Hmm. I was just at that website. This company’s huge”. Then they go to Linkedin and they like someone’s post. And they say, “Oh my god, I’m being spammed by marketers”. Then they go to Facebook. They’re looking at cute babies. Then they see your ad. “Oh my god, I was just at this website again, this baby is so cute”. Then they’re on their Instagram feed. Then the same sort of thing. “God man, that dinner looks amazing. I can’t believe they made a salad with avocado, and croutons even. They make those croutons? That’s the most amazing crouton picture”. So, they’re going through all of their different networks and they’re seeing your ad. The reason that they’re seeing them on Linkein, Facebook, Instagram. Let’s say they’re on YouTube watching kitten videos. Then they’re on the New York Times. I don’t know if you can actually see this on the video, ’cause they’re reading news. That’s through the display network. So they’re on all these different websites, and it’s because they’ve been pixeled by the three ad networks. It like, okay well now everywhere I go there’s ParaCore. They’re crazy stalkers.
And then you… We have a sequencing video, that I’ll link to in the description below. So you can retarget them once, but then you can keep retargeting them with different videos. In Facebook you might have one ad, and then you might show them this ad, and then you might show them this ad, and then you might show them this ad. The point is there’s a lot you can do on this side, once someone gets here. But if someone never gets here, then none of that matters. All the cool stuff that we do in digital marketing, where, I have a video about Linkedin retargeting InMail messages.
So, someone goes to your page. And then they to to Linkedin and then they get and InMail message from you and they’ve never actually communicated with you they just visited the landing page. That’s a really cool tactic. When they do that, all of these cool things that we do, unvavailable. Unless you can get people to this page. So, a traffic campaign is how you get people to that page. Typically, you’re spending a decent amount of money here. Let’s say you’re spending three dollars here, this consts nothing ’cause it’s a landing page, and then all of these are pretty low cost because they’re just retargeting audiences. A retargeting audience is nothing compared to a traffic audience, which is very broad, it might be huge, ideally it’s not huge. But it might be huge. So then, your retargeting budget is actually much, much lower than your traffic budget.
If you want to generate awareness and stay top of mind, which is one of the ways that you’re able to convert people over time, you’re building trust, you’re there, and you’re consistent, and you’re creating content, creating videos, you’re demonstrating results, you’re selling products, or whatever. You need to get them in your retargeting network. Just posting something one ad at a time, it’s not going to do anything. Your conversion rates over here, are gonna be so low. This conversion rate might be, let’s say 2%. But over here, these conversion rates might get up to 8 to 10% in each one of them. It doesn’t mean on the first touch they’re gonna be 8 to 10%, but the people that are in these funnels and in these networks, and in these retargeting sequences, are gonna convert in a much higher rate because they’ve already engaged with you. This first point of engagement brings them in, and then now they’re just engaging with you more. So, that’s a traffic campaign.
That’s a strategy that we use here at ParaCore a lot, especially when the website doesn’t have a lot of traffic. So if have professional services, that’s a very good way to do it. If you have a high price point e-commerce item, or something you’re selling online, or if you have an online course that’s kind of expensive, it’s not just a no-brainer purchase, then traffic campaigns are the bomb. So, check em out. Give them a shot. Let us know if you have any questions.
Again, Adam with Paracore. We’re a pay-per-click lead generation agency. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. If you watched this on YouTube, like or share the video. You can also subscribe to our channel, I hope you do. Thanks for watching.
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