Hey everybody, this is Adam with ParaCore. And I’ve stumbled across a pay-per-click lead generation technique earlier this week that I wanted to share with you that was totally mind blowing. The two people that I shared it with in my office were like, “What, that’s kinda game changer.” And when you get that sort of reaction in an office that does pay-per-click media advertising, it’s something that I wanted to share with you because I thought it was really cool.
Alright, so here’s how it works. Okay, it’s a two step process and the very first piece has to do with retargeting. So when you are driving traffic to your website. K, this is your website, you might be getting traffic from Google or a Facebook ad or referrals or something along those lines, alright. So that’s your website and you get traffic there okay?
And then when someone hits that website, you pixel them with Facebook or AdWords or whatever. And typically, you do some sort of retargeting, especially in B2B. So, we send someone to, so then someone goes to Facebook and they see your ad in the feed.
Right, okay? So, here we have, they hit their website, then they go to Facebook then they see your ad and that’s a traditional retargeting sort of technique. So, that’s normal. Nothing new, okay? Alright, so what we’re gonna do though is we’re gonna change this Facebook retargeting technique, okay. So… Instead of showing an ad in someone’s news feed in any of the channels. What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna hit them up with a LinkedIn InMail message, okay.
So just think about that for one second. When you are in LinkedIn, you have a messages section, and you click that, and then it shows messages coming in and it shows that they’re sponsored, and people are hitting them with LinkedIn InMail messages. So that’s just a standard type of marketing technique. Now typically, what you do is you create an audience in LinkedIn. So, you basically say alright, I want marketing professionals in the Phoenix area, blah, blah, blah, that want businesses a certain size, you know, whatever you select, right. And then so you’re sending it to that cold audience, so they don’t know who you are.
So they don’t know anything about you. Now, imagine everybody that goes to your website, let’s say your running a blog or your running a promotion or running Facebook ads, they’re tagged with a LinkedIn pixel and then when they go to LinkedIn, they get an InMail message from you. And so now, in LinkedIn, you have all the messages that come up and now here’s your face right here at the top and they just visited your website and now they’re on a retargeting list and they get hit with a message. I mean, that’s like hitting someone with an e-mail or a Facebook Messenger message. It’s like your hitting someone with a message to their inbox.
And the crazy thing is if they don’t check their LinkedIn InMail frequently, which many people don’t, the InMail goes to their inbox and it’s there and I think it’s like if they don’t check it after a day or something then it kicks right into their email address. And when it kicks into their e-mail address, it comes through as your subject line and then your message. So, you are basically taking traffic that’s going to your website and retargeting with an e-mail to their inbox, in many cases.
So, just the prospect of that is really cool and in that message you can do anything you want. You can do a lead form, you can send them to another blog, you can send them to a downloader, a case study. So, you know typically retargeting is more like graphical retargeting or showing them an ad, but I can’t think of another instance right now where retargeting is actually sending them an e-mail if you don’t already have their e-mail address, right. I mean, if you use an automation system, yes. But, if you don’t have their e-mail address you can get an e-mail to them, just when they visit your website.
And so that’s a really cool tactic that we discovered this week. And we’re gonna start using it with a lot of our different clients. We’re already using it for ParaCore right now, I actually got retargeted myself, which I thought was really weird or it was just a test message I sent a while back. But, so if you go to ParaCore’s website paracore.com, and then you go to LinkedIn, there’s a good chance you’re going to be pixeled by LinkedIn and then you’re gonna get a message in the time in this video it was just a link to our YouTube videos. It’s like, hey, you know, we’re creating content, you know, go here. So, I wasn’t like pushing it too hard or doing a strong call to action. But anyways, check that out as usual.
If you have any questions or comments or just want additional information, please leave it in the comments below or contact us if you wanna learn more about what we do. My name’s Adam with ParaCore. We do pay-per-click lead generation services. Thanks a lot, have a good day.
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