Hey everyone, Adam Arkfeld with ParaCore. And in today’s video, I’m gonna really be going over Facebook conversions and what they mean in the Facebook Pixel, because when it comes to running a Facebook campaign, it’s one thing to run the campaign, build out the ads and do a great job on the ads, but it’s completely another to run a campaign and not really know how well how it’s converting.
So, what I wanna talk about today is the fundamentals of Facebook Pixel, how it works and go over that just from a high level perspective and then, we have a guy that we have additional videos that support it and I’ll branch off and link to those in the description of the YouTube video, or the webpage, wherever you’re at below. But what I wanna talk about is the Facebook Pixel, okay?
And so, the Facebook Pixel is kinda sounds like it’s a… Kinda sounds weird, like what the hell is a Facebook Pixel, right? So, the Facebook Pixel is basically just a snippet of code that you get from Facebook and you take that snippet of code and you put it on your website. So, this is a website and I’m gonna basically pretend like there’s code and in the backend, there’s a piece called head and this closes and then a piece called body, right? And so, the body is where all of the content lives. So, you have words here, pictures here, header here, everything lives in the body and then in the head is where scripts live and meta tags live and just other information about the website that the end user doesn’t really see but that exists for the technology platforms out there. So, you might have an analytics tracking script. This is also where your title tags go and your keywords, which are like aren’t even a thing anymore and then your description and then you also take the code from Facebook and you put it in your head tag. And that’s what it looks like on the code side, okay?
So, you go into the AdWords platform, I have a video that shows you this, it’ll be linked below. You go into the adverts platform, you go to your Pixel sections and it says here’s how to install the Pixel code and it’ll give you the code. It’s literally just text, looks like code, you know what code looks like even if you don’t know code and you copy that. And if you have access to the actual HTML which you probably don’t these days, but you would put it in between head. If you’re doing it in Unbounce, you would say to put it in the head tag. If you’re doing it through WordPress, you know, through a website you would use one of the plugins to put it in the head tag. So, it typically gives you an option of where to put it. You generally have the option of head, or like before the closing body tag. So, just in this case, you always wanna do head.
Now, the way that a Pixel works is that you install the code that you get from Facebook and then, here’s your website, so now you have a logo, you have this piece of code that’s actually like kinda hidden, like behind the scenes, it’s like above here, but you can see it. It’s not really above, but it’s just like behind in the code and then you have all your words and you’ve got your CTA. And maybe you have a product here and like you’re buying and when the page loads, basically the Pixels sends a beacon, like a notification to Facebook, so let’s just say this kicks over to Facebook and it says hey Facebook, this Pixel with this ID has a user visiting the page and then Facebook is like cool, guess what? Is that person logged into Facebook right now? Are they like an active member of our system? And like let me look through my two billion records and see. And so, they actually need to see like you’ll have a Facebook Pixel like cookie and so then, Facebook says oh my god, surprise, surprise. This person is a Facebook member and they visited your website. And we’re gonna associate those two things now and we’re gonna track that so kinda weird. So, they’re gonna track that, that’s what all the platforms do. And now, when that person goes back to Facebook, if you, as an advertiser want to, you can say hey, all those people that hit our website, we wanna show them an ad on Facebook. Right? So, that’s what retargeting is. That’s like standard retargeting. And, so then that kicks back and you show them an ad.
Now, from the targeting perspective, the audience perspective in Facebook, you might just say I want everyone who visits my website to be targeted with this ad. And so, if you’re running professional services like us, that might make sense. Like a lot of times we’ll do all website traffic and we’ll just run a ParaCore ad and then everybody that visits our website gets that ad which is fine. You might have a product. So, let’s say you’re selling a product here, and someone views this page, it has a very specific URL. And you can create a product feed to fed into Facebook and then you can say hey, I just want people, I wanna show people the product based on the page they were visiting. And the Pixel has sent the URL back, it sent the visitor back, it sent all this information back and then this ad is gonna match the product and they’re align with each other. Now, the Pixel basically allows you to do all of these things, like you need the Pixel installed on everything you do. With the Pixel installed, you can say hey, if someone buys and they go to this thank you page, right? And the URL is something thank you or thanks, right? That’s the URL. You can say I wanna create a custom conversion so that any time someone sees that page which they only get when they buy something on the website, then I want that to be a custom conversion and I wanna optimize for those purchasers. So, you don’t actually even need to add code to your website to get a custom conversion for someone that’s purchasing on your website or converting into a lead or something like that.
However, in the eCommerce world there are a lot of different steps when someone’s actually buying something. They look at a product which is this right here. Then they might go through an entire sequence of adding it to the cart which is a Facebook event. You can initiate checkout which is a Facebook event. You can add the payment method which is a Facebook event. And by Facebook event, I mean not only do you have this code but now you’re adding extra snippets of code, so this gets a little bit more advanced. You’re adding extra snippets of code to now track where people are in the funnel. So, if I just added stuff to the cart, I’m like I’m not top of funnel, but I’m like top-ish funnel. And then if I initiated a checkout, then I’m getting closer. If I added a payment method, so I might say I want to take everybody that added the payment method but did not convert. So, I wanna take this group of people and exclude the converters and then I wanna show them ads to bring them back because these are like the highest prospects on my website. These are people that have got way down the funnel. They added their payment info and then they didn’t convert. So, when it comes to the Facebook Pixel, you get the code out of Facebook and install on your website and it gives you the ability to do everything. And once you get it installed, you have all these different options.
So, what we’re gonna talk about in these series and kind of in this compilation of videos of which this is the first one, we’re gonna talk about how to install the Facebook Pixel, how to get it, how to install it on your websites, how to check and see if it’s installed, how to ensure that it’s working correctly, how to build audiences off of it, how to build retargeting audiences. How to build, you know, eCommerce-related audiences. I mean, you can build look-like audiences off your website traffic or off of particular segment of your website traffic. So, there’s just tons of stuff you can do and we’re gonna talk everything related to Pixels in this group of videos.
So, thanks for watching. This is high level conceptual. As I said, I’m gonna be creating other videos that walk through with more of a screen chart on exactly how to do things. And that’ll give a lot of information in terms of the actual practical implementation once you understand kinda the basic concept.
So, thanks again. My name is Adam with ParaCore, the Owner of ParaCore, pay per click lead-generation agency. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below. If you watch on YouTube, please like and subscribe or don’t dislike. If you don’t like the video, just leave, but don’t dislike. All right, cool, thanks for watching.
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